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Romania Visa Online

WEB Applying for a Visa

Use a Computer that Fulfills Certain Technical Requirements

In order to be able to apply online you must:

  • Have a valid E-mail address
  • Use a computer which fulfills certain technical requirements

Get informed

Apply for a visa

For detailed information about other programs financed by the European Union please visit wwwfonduri-uero.

A visa is a document that enables the holder to report to any Romanian border checkpoint and to require either transit through or a short stay on the territory of Romania with a maximum length of 90 days in any 180-day period.


When applying for a visa, it is important to ensure that you have all of the necessary documentation and that you meet the eligibility requirements. Using a computer that fulfills certain technical requirements can help you complete the online application process quickly and easily. To stay up-to-date on the latest visa requirements, please visit the official website of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
